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Sonya Lodge Residential Care Home residents celebrate the Easter weekend

We’ve had a ‘smashing’ Easter long weekend at Sonya Lodge Residential Care Home, including our annual Easter party with our lovely families.

We had the best ‘Elvis’ (Scott) perform for us all, singing his best hits! After this it was time for the raffle, with lots of amazing prizes. First prize was a big hamper filled with chocolate and this was won by one of our resident’s daughters. Second prize was another hamper which was also won by another resident’s daughter! The little gifts were won by team and family members.

Our residents and their families enjoyed homemade Easter-themed cupcakes and hot drinks. The party was a huge success and enjoyed by all.

Easter Sunday was lovely and started with a traditional roast lunch with all the trimmings. The Easter bunny hopped by and delivered every resident a chocolate (best bit of the day in our opinion!).

In the afternoon we held our annual Easter bonnet parade featuring the bonnets our residents had decorated themselves – all to music. It was an egg-cellent Easter all round this year….although, we may still be working our way through chocolate until next Easter!




