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Meaningful friendships at Sonya Lodge Residential Care Home

At Sonya Lodge Residential Care Home we believe that meaningful friendships are essential to providing quality of life and promoting normality.

We really are one big family at the Lodge. Our residents have their own friendships but this of course extends to team member-residents friendships; we build genuine trustful friendships with our residents so they know we are here for them when they need us.

Meaningful friendships boost self-esteem and confidence, creating enjoyable moments and memories. At Sonya Lodge we do a lot of different activities but we also try different things; this could be something out of our comfort zone that results in confidence and achievement, and friendships provide encouragement to our residents to try new activities.

We enjoy lots of group activities and this always encourages new friendships and strengthens current ones here at Sonya Lodge.


Good friends at Sonya Lodge Residential Care Home




