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Sonya Lodge Residential Care Home celebrates Nutrition and Hydration Week

We are always trying to find fun ways to boost our food and fluid intake at Sonya Lodge Residential Care Home, so for Nutrition and Hydration Week we had to come up with some interesting ways!

Firstly, our Chefs made everyone homemade, fresh smoothies daily! Fruit is a great ways to hydrate due to its high water content. The smoothies went down really well and it’s something we will now incorporate more often.

We find that cake decorating is a great way to boost a calorie intake, as half of them usually get eaten during the process!!

Next there were mocktails. This is something we do quite often to boost hydration and usually make them if we’re having a party or a games night.

Nutrition and Hydration Week taught us a lot of different ways to boost food and fluids as we had a wealth of information and tips which we have now placed around our Home to give team members ideas to try.



