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Pink Day for Breast Cancer Awareness at Sonya Lodge Residential Care Home

In October, we unfortunately had to postpone our Pink Day for Breast Cancer Awareness; however, we were very happy that we were able to celebrate together with families and friends at Sonya Lodge Residential Care Home on Wednesday 23 November.

We started our day by decorating Sonya Lodge in all things pink – bunting, balloons and banners galore!

We held a sponsored day of challenges for staff. These included:

  • Staff being painted by residents with body paint
  • Staff dressing up in pink clothing
  • Residents making-over staff by styling their hair, make-up, and painting their nails!

There were three additional challenges for staff members if we raised enough money, and we’re very happy to say that we reached these targets! This meant that:

  • Nikki (Resident Liaison) had her hair dyed pink
  • Kevin (Housekeeping) had his arms waxed
  • Deanne (Well-Being Champion) had a pink ribbon tattoo!

Everyone had so much fun and our residents and families got in on the action by dressing up in pink props and wigs, and painting pink ribbons on their faces and arms.

We put on some party tunes and had a dance and sing together before tucking in to our pink themed treats – pink cupcakes, fondant fancies, pink slices, strawberry bakewell tarts and scones with strawberry jam and cream. Delicious! These were then washed down with a lovely cup of tea or glass of cherryade.

From our amazing day, we are extremely happy to announce that we raised a whopping £300 for Breast Cancer Awareness.

Well done to everyone at Sonya Lodge!





