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Flower arrangements and toy construction at Sonya Lodge Residential Care Home

Flower power

Our residents at Sonya Lodge Residential Care Home put their floristry skills to the test with a lovely flower arranging session to celebrate International Flower Day on Wednesday 19 January.

Everyone worked together to produce beautiful, sweet-smelling vases of flowers – all of which brightened our day and looked amazing in our Home.

Building toys at Men’s Club

Our male residents here at Sonya Lodge meet together regularly for their Men’s Club.

This is a time for them to get together and enjoy some shared interests, male company and conversation. 

In this latest session our gents worked collectively to put together some construction toys.

They all enjoyed themselves and were deep in concentration throughout the session, as you can see!

What a talented group of residents we have here at Sonya Lodge!


Men enjoying some toy construction at Sonya Lodge Residential Care Home

Working hard in construction!




